Winter Trail Grooming Schedule

The Falls and Deception Creek Nordic ski trail system will be groomed at least four days per week. The particular days depend on Wyoming’s winter weather and its fickle and fierce wind. Check Facebook for weekly updates to the grooming schedule.

Moonlight Ski Nights

DART members meet monthly just down the trail from the Deception Creek parking area. Take some nordic laps on skis, snowshoes, or fat tire bikes and gather around the bonfire to share some stories and laughs under the beams of the full moon.


We will post 3 possible dates for the Moonlight Ski. Check the weather and look for the night with the clearest skies and come on by at 7pm on that night!

If it isn’t obvious, text Mike a 307-450-3035 to confirm.

Please come! It’s fun!!

January 26, Friday

February 23, Friday

March 22, Friday